Buy. Share. Build™
The Most Comprehensive Network for Creatives of Color
EMMO ( pronounced i’mo’ ) stands for Ethnic Media Made to Order. It’s a social commerce platform conceived primarily for professional artists, musicians, and filmmakers of African and Latino heritage. This is an environment designed for creative persons of color to display their work, exchange, and network. Artists and their supporters may join for free either as a contributor, consultant, or buyer. EMMO intends on becoming a major player in the category of ethnic media.Ethnic creatives are known for their unique artistic expressions in the areas of music, visual art, film, and more. The EMMO platform will give persons of more control and greater stock in the production, marketing, and distribution of their intellectual properties. This network caters particularly to the less mainstream or independent recording artists, visual artists, filmmakers, and designers of African and Latino descent from around the world.